Principal's Welcome

Welcome to Hollybank Primary School. We hope that this website will provide insight and useful information for you as a parent, pupil or simply as someone who is interested in our school. Hollybank is a very friendly, welcoming school and I am confident that both you and your child will be happy if you decide to send them to our school. However, there is no substitute for a tour of our wonderful school. Only then will you truly experience the approachability of staff, the energy and enthusiasm of the children and the hospitable atmosphere of our vibrant and newly refurbished classrooms. If you would like to visit the school do not hesitate to contact me. It will be my pleasure to show you the school at work and answer any questions that you may have.
At Hollybank Primary, we aim to make learning fun, purposeful and challenging. We value and acknowledge each one of our pupils as individuals. Within a happy, caring and safe environment, we seek to address individual needs and enable all our pupils to celebrate success. Each pupil is supported in the achievement of his or her full potential by experienced, diligent and caring staff. Our curriculum is underpinned by a strong support programme for the Mental health and Wellbeing of all. Every day begins with a morning Meet and Greet by staff at the gates, followed by the class teacher welcoming each child to class, with a smile and an emotional check in, through using Zones of Regulation. We settle into our day with mindfulness morning routines such as yoga, breathing exercise and self massage. As the day progresses it is interspersed with brain breaks and emotional check ins, with no bells to disturb the peace!
Great emphasis is also placed upon the important role that our parents play in their child’s education. This relationship is regularly fostered through daily Seesaw contact and regular meetings. Home and school are viewed as a partnership, supportive of each other in their mutual aims to ensure that each child leaves our school having reached their academic potential. Equally important, our pupils leave us with a sense of self-worth, confidence, social skills and be ready to scale new heights and challenges, in preparation for adult life.
Parental involvement is fostered through:-
Parental Information Days
Parent Praise Afternoon
Parent/Teacher Consultations
An energetic Parent Teacher Association
Hollybank Weekly News
Parents’ Representatives on the Board of Governors
Invitations to concerts, religious services and other special events
‘Open Door’ policy for parents to come into school at any convenient time
We are committed to the provision of high standards of education and to the continuum of improvement. We seek to provide each child with a broad and balanced education, which encompasses the requirement of the Northern Ireland Curriculum. Through a process of self-evaluation, we will ensure that the quality of education provided continues to be appropriate and reflects the desire to raise our pupils’ standards of achievement further.
I am proud to be a member of a school that is an integral part of the local community. We endeavour to share our pupils’ enthusiasm and talents with the wider community circle, through numerous annual events. We, as the Staff, seek to promote the best educational and life opportunities for each child in our care.
I hope you will entrust your child’s education to us as we will honour that commitment and help your child to achieve and develop their full potential, both academically and socially.
I look forward to welcoming your family to ours.
Yours sincerely,
Miss L. Brett
Hollybank Primary School, PreSchool and Learning Support Units, Devenish Drive, Monkstown, Newtownabbey, Co Antrim BT37 0HF Phone: 028 9086 4944